Taxi survey launched seeking the views of disabled people and older people

The Department for Infrastructure (DFI) is seeking the views of older people and disabled people on their experiences of getting and using taxi services in Northern Ireland and the results of this survey will inform a wider review of taxi services.

Imtac has assisted the Department and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) to develop the survey. There are some questions in the survey that do not reflect IMTAC’s philosophy. However the Committee realises that in order for the results of this research to be comparable with other Government research and to inform the Department, they need to be asked, and we would encourage you to complete this questionnaire. It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

 Please complete the survey online by clicking the following link:

If you require alternative formats such as soft copies by e-mail, hard copies by post or a large print version of the survey, please contact David Gibson at 028 9054 0326 or by emailing

We appreciate, however, that filling in the survey may be difficult for some people.  To assist you, Imtac can help you complete the survey over the telephone.  If you would like to complete the survey this way please contact Michael Lorimer on 028 9072 6020 (please leave a message on the answerphone if no-one is in the office and Imtac will get back to you as soon as possible).  Alternatively email  If you are part of a larger group or organisation Imtac would be happy to arrange a meeting to help your members complete the survey.  Please contact Michael Lorimer if you would like to arrange this.

The closing date for the survey is Friday 24 August 2018 although this date may be flexible if there is a need to extend to take into account the summer period.

As an organisation of disabled people and older people Imtac is very much aware of the ongoing difficulties people experience accessing taxis. This survey is important to help make the case for changes to the way services are regulated here. We would ask individuals and organisations to complete the survey and to encourage others to do the same.